Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Police Teeth - Self Titled

Police Teeth
"Police Teeth"

Pig dentures are not
junk but a package of good
don't call it junk please

Strong rhythm section
heavy rocks in the pocket
we all stomp our feet

Stomp stomp dance party
you're yelling, I'm listening
let's tear up the place

I'm 19 years old
just got home from a long day
time to turn it up

Rain soaked practice shed
work by light, home after dark
Bellingham makes sense

Finger count and march
I'll dance to you cop chompers
attention wanders

If stadium rock
was like this when I was young
I'd own more denim

Everybody jump and bounce
denim everything let's go!
all nights, starting NOW!

Behold Seattle!
your purity remains in
the mouth of the law

Blow up the strip mall
piss pepsi and gasoline
then shoot the neighbors

Sleep in til noon, dude
punch the damn kick drum straight through
drink a motorcycle 

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